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Amesbury Parish Church

The Abbey Church of St Mary and St Melor

Serving the community and growing in Christ

Welcome to Amesbury Parish Church. Currently we are in Interregnum and our services are being covered by the Avon River Team of ministers. The Church is currently being looked after by a small group of volunteers who are doing their best to accommodate visitors, parishioners, baptisms, weddings, funerals and other events. If you need to contact someone urgently please send an email to or fill in the 'Contact Us' form on this website. Your patience is appreciated as we go through this difficult time without a permanent priest. Thank you.

 Regular Services 

Sunday Parish Eucharist - Weekly

10.00 AM

Church service

All Age Eucharist - 1st Sunday of the Month

10.00 AM

Church service

 Upcoming Events/Services 

Saturday Coffee Morning - 2nd Saturday of Month

10AM to 12PM

Social event

Evening Prayer - Tuesday 25th March

7.30 PM

Church service

Mothering Sunday - Sunday 30th March 

10.00 AM

Church service

Stations of the Cross - Saturday 12th April


Church service

Palm Sunday with Procession - Sunday 13th April

10.00 AM

Church service

Sung Compline: Holy Week - Monday 14th April

7.30 PM

Church service

Maundy Thursday - Thursday 17th April

7.30 PM

Church Service

Good Friday Liturgy - Friday 18th April

2.00 PM

Church Service

Easter Vigil - Saturday 19th April

7.30 PM

Church Service

Easter Day - Sunday 20th April

10.00 AM

Church Service


Welcome, both to Amesbury Parish Church, Diocese of Salisbury and this website. We hope that you are able to find the information you need in its pages, including how to make contact with us easily.

Amesbury is a deeply historical place, being the oldest continuous settlement in England. The parish church, the Abbey Church of St Mary and St Melor dates from 979AD and has connections with Queen Eleanor of Provence. It attracts many visitors each year. Have a look at our History page to find out more and please visit if you can.

The parish church is not only a building of great historical interest, it is above all a place of worship. Details of our regular services are on the Worship page. We are a Church of England church in the liberal-Catholic tradition. You will find most of our worship to be sacramental and ordered with moderate ceremonial and an established choral tradition, our approach to the Bible and theology open-minded, and our outlook inclusive and socially engaged.


We continue to seek ways to make church life and worship more accessible to those for whom it is new or unfamiliar. There are various activities and groups to become involved in, of which there are more details on the relevant pages, and we are ready to develop more. Most importantly, we welcome everyone, of all faiths and none and of all ages, and we hope that you will come and not only meet us, but also want to join us and share in our common life. We assure you of a warm welcome.

Please Support Us

It costs us £1 per minute to keep our church running. Please consider donating to this historic building in the heart of Amesbury which continues to support the community today.  
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Amesbury Parish Church
The Abbey Church of St Mary and St Melor

Contact the church by emailing

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This church takes its responsibilities surrounding the safeguarding of children, young people, and adults who may be at risk very seriously, and works in partnership with the Diocese of Salisbury to ensure that we work in accordance with best practice at all times.


A copy of our Parish Safeguarding Policy can be viewed inside the church, as well as by clicking here.

If you have any safeguarding questions or concerns you can contact our Parish Safeguarding Officer, Ms Ruth Davies by email Alternatively, you can contact the Diocesan Safeguarding Advisers, Mr Jem Carter and Ms Suzy Futcher, at 

©2024 Amesbury Parish Church

Church Street, Amesbury, Wiltshire, SP4 7EU

Registered charity number 1131218

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