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Media Policy

A Policy for contact with News Media, and for the Use of the church website and Social Media for publicity


Making use of News Media, both local and national, for publicity:

We wish from time to time to use the news media, particularly local media such as The Stonehenge Trader and the Salisbury Journal to publicise forthcoming events and services. The accuracy of the wording of these texts is very important and all such contact with these organisations must be checked and authorised by the Churchwarden and/or the incumbent.


Nobody is authorised to submit items to the News Media on behalf of the PCC without the prior authorisation of the Churchwarden and/or the incumbent.


Making use of the church website and social media for publicity:

The website and social media are valuable tools for achieving publicity and for making contact with those who are not yet church members. The website can give a vivid impression of the kind of church community that we are and can attract others who have yet to make contact with the Church.


The PCC’s IT Co-ordinator:

The PCC’s IT Co-ordinator maintains the parish website and updates it with announcements as required. To publicise a church event on the church website and/or on social media please send the details in an email to


Images (pictures):

The PCC does not authorise the publication of images (or pictures) of persons on its website or in social media except with the prior written consent of those in the image or their parents or guardians. Such images will only be published on a very occasional basis, and only by the PCC’s IT Co-ordinator with the authorisation of the Churchwarden and/or the incumbent.


Nobody except the PCC’s IT Co-ordinator is authorised to post items relating to Amesbury Parish Church on social media.


Responding to enquiries from the News Media, both local and national:

Only the Churchwarden and/or the incumbent are authorised to speak to the news media on behalf of the PCC. If contacted by the news media at any time, by telephone or email, the enquirer should be referred to the churchwarden and/or the incumbent without comment.


Nobody except the churchwarden and/or the incumbent is authorised by the PCC to speak to the news media on behalf of the PCC.

Amesbury Parochial Church Council

March 2024.

Amesbury Parish Church
The Abbey Church of St Mary and St Melor

Contact the church by emailing

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This church takes its responsibilities surrounding the safeguarding of children, young people, and adults who may be at risk very seriously, and works in partnership with the Diocese of Salisbury to ensure that we work in accordance with best practice at all times.


A copy of our Parish Safeguarding Policy can be viewed inside the church, as well as by clicking here.

If you have any safeguarding questions or concerns you can contact our Parish Safeguarding Officer, Ms Ruth Davies by email Alternatively, you can contact the Diocesan Safeguarding Advisers, Mr Jem Carter and Ms Suzy Futcher, at 

©2024 Amesbury Parish Church

Church Street, Amesbury, Wiltshire, SP4 7EU

Registered charity number 1131218

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